Saturday, November 5, 2011

Ego's Got Talent

It's late at night, and I'm watching videos on YouTube to put on Elisa's Facebook page. On a related link sidebar, it showed the clip from Korea's Got Talent, with the homeless boy having an opera style voice.

(I think that show America's Got Talent originated in Britain, like almost every other reality show in America.) Anyway, we can credit them for the 3 person judge format.

I'm tired of the 3 person judge format. It breeds ego.

Look at these screencaps:

Don't act like that it's unfair to judge people by body language. Body language is one of the most accurate ways to understand what a person is thinking. Look at the people in Korea's Got Talent. Their body language says: "I am hired to be a judge of talent. I have power over you. I have the right to look down on you with negativity. It's up to YOU to change my mind. Until then, I AM THE LAW".

Trust me, that's what the body language says. The sleepy eyes. The hands covering the mouth. The hands in the air. That body language shows 1) do not touch me, I am above you, and 2) you are not worth my time, you have to change my mind.

Really, the 3 judge format breeds this kind of ego. As a producer of a talent show, you ask people to be the ultimate power-wielders, with the ability to crush people's hopes and dreams. And when that realization hits you, you come with that kind of body language that exudes "I was asked to be here because people think I am worthy enough of being your judge. Naturally, it means I am better than you".

That's messed up.

The 3 judge format needs to be done away with, seriously. It breeds all kinds of fucking egos.